AdSense Identity Verification – Exact Steps To Get Verify

If you start blogging with a mindset to earn money using Adsense then you must follow AdSense application and Adsense Identity Verification process carefully.

Adsense Identity Verification

These are the key processes to start earning money through AdSense. If you made mistakes while identity verification, you can ruin all your hard work. Following we will discuss important steps you should never ignore if you are applying for AdSense ID verification.

Three Attempts

As you know you get three chances to get done your pin verification. If you miss these chances by any means… You are going to be in trouble but you have one more chance. So be careful.

Verification Source

Its better to use pan card always as an identity proof. Although you can use voter ID or passport to verify. But Pan Card can be more beneficial.

Minor Rule

Suppose you are a minor then you can use your parent’s identity to verify. But you will have to change the info in this section that is Manage Your Google Account. Change the name, Date of birth, and other information as parents and then apply.

Address Trick

This is a tricky method not to miss your verification pin post. It’s better to put your contact number in address line 2. What happens, if postmen don’t find the address he will be able to contact you directly.

Identity Scan – AdSense Identity Verification

It is not necessary to scan the document. You can take a photo of identity to upload. The only concern is it should be visible. make use of lights while clicking pictures of your identity. Your name, picture, and date of birth should be clearly visible.

Bank Account –

After pin verification it is not important to use your own bank account. You can use any bank account to link AdSense.


So these are the steps you should follow while AdSense Identity Verification. Hope this will help you to get done your pin verification successfully.

Read here about AdSense Policy .

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