keep thinking to yourself How to Google SEO? What is SEO? What you do know is that it’s hard for people to find your site on Google. I know it’s frustrating, we all want to be found. Learn How To Do SEO For Website? Everyone is talking about this SEO thingy. You???
And… You keep getting annoying emails (and sometimes calls) about Google SEO services. You likely think to yourself, I wish I knew how to do this SEO stuff.
This article will help to learn the basics of Google SEO and help you improve your ranking with some easy SEO solutions.
Remember It’s all about Content
Think numero uno is that it is all about your content—and not about you (sorry dude).
Creating awesome content takes hard work. It requires that you research and write about your subject in a way that adds value to other people’s life. The subject is not as important as the audience. Remember, it’s all about them and NOT you (yea, I had to remind you again).
Okay, you are writing and preparing the content but you MUST have the end reader in mind. Think about what they like and questions they might have. Write posts that answer their questions.
If people asking you about stuff on your blog—well, there is your content. Give people what they want.
Ok, now that you have great content.
Basics Of SEO
Let me give you a hint, use this guide like a recipe to know about SEO? Open the page you want to optimize and let’s start cooking together. Yes, right now!
Let’s make the suggested changes together. As we go through these examples let’s imagine the target keyword is “surfing legends”.
Your URL is the address of your page.
The URL of this page is
The URL of our example page would be
How To Create A Keyword-Friendly URL?
Do not use default URL, which is something like
You also want your URLs to be these three things:
- Simple
- Harmonious
- And page explanation to people & (and search engines)
I’ll show you right now. To change this go to your WP dashboard > Settings >Permalinks. (YouTube for Blogger)
After you set this up to let’s check out the post editor. You need to create a New Post.
When you are writing a post this is one of the things that can happen:
If you don’t put a title and save a draft, WordPress will automatically create a URL (you don’t want this). Always give your post a title that is a logical representation of the material.
The first thing you should do when setting up a page is to make a list of keywords.
So in our example post, I have identified ‘surfing legends’ as my main keyword (a keyword is one word or a combination of words).
So if you title the post “Surfing Legends” your URL will be And, this post should be about surfing legends and not legos for children.
Although we are optimizing our pages for search engines, essentially that means that we are doing what is best for humans. If someone reads your URL they should know what the post is about and connect with it. So while you are optimizing for the search engines, do human optimizing as well.
Imagine that a search engine is a teenager and you need to capture their attention.
Here are the quick and dirty rules for writing your URL:
- Put only your keywords in the URL.
- If you absolutely need to put more then add the keyword at the beginning of the URL.
- Always delete “stop words” from your URL (in, at, from, to, etc…)
- URLs can not contain spaces and the best way to create them are dashes separating the words.
Page Title SEO.
OK, so we got the URL set and now we need to write an appropriate title.
So if our post is about surfing legends and the URL is
Let’s think about a good title for the page.
Your title is important because this is what people will see in the search engine result first.
It has to tell people what the post is about, if fact, it should scream at them.
For our example, I would put something like “Surfing Legends | A list of the world’s greatest surfers”.
The main thing is to include your specific keyword in the title, in our example we made sure “Surfing Legends” was the first thing people would read.
Put keywords at the beginning or as close to the beginning as you can. The second or third place is the best, the fifth is the farthest you should go.
Once again, you need to pay attention to your titles is that your title is the link to your page in the search engine results.
The best length for titles is 64 characters. Some say 70 is the max, some say 80 characters is the max. Try to keep it up to 70 and you will be on the safe side.
Keyword SEO
Meta keywords is a spot where you are supposed to write down the keyword you are targeting your page for.
You should list no more than 5 keywords.
In our case, you could write only “surfing legends”.
But you could also write it like “surfing legends, world’s greatest surfers”.
The main thing is to include your specific keyword.
If you include additional ones, make sure they are describing what’s on the page.
The point of this is telling the search engine what your page is about.
Some say that the search engines are not reading this info any more because people stuffed keywords for better rankings before so this part of the on-page is disregarded.
I still put them and I always will.
I ranked some of my sites very, very high doing this and don’t see why would I stop.
Some bloggers suggest that you should not put your keywords in the meta keywords because your competition can see what you are targeting.
This is BS, build the best content and dial in your SEO and you will rank above them.
Try things yourself and see if they work, make sure to measure and track your changes and results.
Description – SEO.
A meta description is a place where you will describe the page.
It’s the text people read when they type in your keyword and you show up in Google results.
First, they read your title and then they read your description.
If both are compelling, they will click your link (that’s what we want).
Think of the description as an ad for your page.
People coming to your blog won’t see it on the blog itself.
But they will see it in search engine results and that is where you need to sell your page and tell people what it’s about.
Again, the main thing is to include your specific keyword in the description.
Don’t just copy your title in the description of the page.
Include the keyword once. Don’t stuff your description with keywords, Google hates this and will punish you.
When it comes to the description use the following rules:
- Use a specific keyword
- Include a related keyword or a synonym
- Tell people what the page is about and what’s in it for them
From our example, we could write the following: “Surfing legends from around the world. You’ll learn how and why these surfers became legends – you could become one yourself.”
You should keep your description up to 150 characters.
Page Content.
The page content is the post itself. The stuff you write
Start your post with your specific keyword—put your specific keyword in the first sentence.
Try to include it in the first 90 characters (space counts as a character as well).
Of course, you will mention the specific keyword in the post again, that is what natural writing requires, but never stuff your post with keywords.
Some keywords you want to rank for sound weird or unnatural because often people will type them into Google without proper grammar. For example “surf legends Hawaii”.
So, think about how you can incorporate this keyword somewhere in the text.
In order to rank for these keywords, we could write: “It is a well know fact that there are many surf legends in Hawaii.”
In this case “in” is the stop word and Google will, most likely, disregard it.
So you can still target the words that are weird but have great numbers.
Images can be optimized as well. What you need to optimize in this case are ALT tags.
Here is how it looks in the code:
<img title=”title-of-the-image” src=” image URL” alt=” keyword” width=”300″ height=”300″>
Put your specific keyword in the ALT tag. If you do this right it can lead to a lot more traffic from Google images search.
You want to allow every element on your page to be found by someone somewhere (ala search engine). Have you ever been looking for an image and then make your way onto a cool site?
Yea, you do that all the time.
Well, you want others to do the same with your content. Images are good lead-ins, especially during the Pinterest era. People love images. Of course, it would be best if the image is actually the keyword.
If the keyword is “surfing legends Hawaii” the best image to use is of a surfing legend from Hawaii and not Bambi. Please use images in your posts, it really draws people in and compliments your story.
However, don’t overuse them. Crowding the page with images can put people off.
So if possible use unique images (ones you create) or look for stock images. A few good places to find stock images: Pixabay – Pixels.
So there are two things I will tell you about this.
Link to your post from other posts you have on your blog using your specific keyword. Also, use a synonym or similar keywords to link to the post, from time to time.
Still, make most of your links, on your blog, link using anchor text that is your specific keyword. Anchor text is the word that you link through to get to a post. An example would be: Learn about SEO terms.
Also, give your users a place to go at the end of posts. On your puppy training page, at the bottom, you will put a link saying “Go from surfing legends to surfing home page”. Or “Go from surf legends to surfing” and link it to the home page.
First of all, you are putting the anchor text linking to the home page and search engines love that. You are also offering more links to check out.
Well, this is the main thing about the link – include your specific keyword in a link going out of the page. If you ask me why, I am not sure, but it is said that it give the keyword strength to the page.
Do it now! These simple steps are only a few minutes of your time when you write SEO post. Now, if you know how to Google SEO then go open your blog and do it now to a post. It’s best to practice something you lean right away.
Then bookmark this post so you can come back and read it again. Now you might like to read more about how to optimize content for SEO?
Keep visiting.
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